Lionfish image

Lionfish International, LLC

Harvesting Lionfish for Wholesale Purchase

Raised $935,000

10% Series A Participating Preferred Membership Interests

  • Lionfish International, LLC (“LFI" or the "Company") was a Florida-based limited liability company created to introduce a much more efficient method of harvesting lionfish for wholesale purchase by seafood distributors, restaurants and other retailers.

  • Lionfish are a danger to reefs, as they can reduce juvenile fish populations by almost 85% in five days, destroying the fish responsible for cleaning a reef.

  • Humans are at risk, due to the 18 venomous spines they carry. More importantly, they have insatiable appetites, consuming over 70 species of fish. They are able to eat 30 times their stomach volume.

  • Finally, lionfish can reproduce in lass than one year (native fish take 3-5 years) and can reproduce every ~4 days. A female can spawn over 2 million eggs each year.

  • With a growing consumer demand in restaurants and at grocery stores, LFI was poised to radically expand the supply of lionfish meat for sale.

Lionfish International, LLC was created to introduce a much more efficient method of harvesting lionfish for wholesale purchase by seafood distributors, restaurants and other retailers.

Securities sold by affiliate, Carolina Financial Securities, LLC