Berry Capital Management, LLC
Growing Organic Blueberries
Raised $2,300,000
20.0% Participating Preferred Interests in SPV
(12% accruing)
Berry Capital Management, LLC. (“BCM”) leased from Hancock Agricultural Investment Group a 400-acre, mature, highly efficient organic blueberry farm (the "Farm”) projected to generate $2.4M in cash flow per year. See the farm here!
Downside protection is provided by USDA-subsidized crop insurance that allows the farm to be profitable even if no blueberries are grown or sold.
Demand for organic blueberries has increased 6x over the last 10 years with an average price premium of $2.09/lb. over conventional (non-organic) berries. Consumer preference for healthy organic foods is continuing to increase.
The Farm is operated by Carolina Berry Group and its CEO, Brick Rooks, who has 24 years of experience in organic blueberry farming, deep marketing relationships, and the largest automated berry packing/processing infrastructure in the region.
The purchaser, Hancock Agricultural Investment Group, has performed extensive diligence on the Farm and has chosen it to be part of their $3.7B agriculture portfolio.
Berry Capital Management, LLC, (the “Issuer,” “The Company,” “the SPV,” or “BCM”) issued $2,300,000 in participating preferred interests (the “Equity” or “Securities”) to support the leasing of farmland, purchase of equipment, and working capital needs.